Browsing: On Stage

As someone who is more interested in leadership and community than artistic excellence, team building is something that I get super jacked about. After almost 15 years of being on worship teams, I have noticed that too often team building is overlooked. If it isn't overlooked it is something that is done out of obligation…

Introducing new songs to the congregation is important. Congregations, as well as the individuals within them change. It is the very nature of being human, and our ascribing worth to God will invariably change as well. Hopefully, we will continue to mature and grow spiritually, and our ability to express our devotion will become ever-more…

One of the hardest things for me to do as a worship leader is to find replacements. Part of the reason is because I was never trained by anyone. I cut my teeth leading worship from the moment I decided to learn the venerable G-C-D chord progression. From the very beginning I was the guy.…

Like almost anything else in life, there is not a simple answer to how to start a second campus in a church. There are so many factors that go into launching church campuses that the approaches must be tailored to fit your context. For example, a church of 2,000 people, that is financially stable, and…

When I was a teenager, just starting to play the guitar and leading worship, I was often met with resistance from “traditionalists.” Their arguments against “contemporary” worship was that it was too repetitive, was not substantial, lacked theology, was not sacred enough, and a whole bunch of other claims arguing for modern music’s inferiority to…

Stage design has become a staple in many churches today. It is a way to keep things fresh, and there has been an increasing amount of time, energy, and resources devoted to these designs over the past few years. The pursuit of cool stage designs can be both addicting and expensive, both in money and…

If you are interested in what Nigel Hendroff's current guitar rig looks like take a look at this video. Nigel talks about how he uses the new Jackson Audio Prism that he and some of the fellas from Jackson Ampworks created. He also goes into some details about how he uses his Goodwood Audio Junction Box…

Scotts Valley, CA (January 19, 2017) -- Universal Audio, a leading manufacturer of professional audio recording hardware and software, is proud to announce that the Apollo Twin MkII—a ground-up redesign of the world's most popular professional desktop recording interface for Mac and Windows—is now available in stores worldwide. Featuring onboard Realtime UAD-2 SOLO, DUO, or…

Playing in a band is a lot of fun. I think everyone who likes music even a little bit thinks about starting a band. It's a great experience to create music with other people. One thing I've noticed though, is that each musician tends to think that their part is the most important–it's a human…

My path to becoming a worship leader was unique…sort of. I grew up in small churches where my parents served as pastors. We were a musical family, and for the most part, I was asked to do music in some way or another since I was barely able to do more than stand. I remember…