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The Fender Blues Junior is a 15 watt el84 driven gem of an amp. The tone is very crisp with a pop. The Blues Junior also has great bass response for an amp of it's site. It is light weight and easy to transport making it a great amp for practice at home. Don't let…

The Vox AC15 could be credited as the gateway drug of the worship guitarist. It's glassy tone and angry snarl has been the cornerstone for many of great worship guitarists including the pioneer of worship guitar - Nigel Hendroff. That's right before the Droff started playing Jackson he played a good old AC15. In fact…

The AC30 has been perhaps the most popular amp of all time. From the Beatles & U2 to just about every worship band out there, this amp has graced the stage of not only mainstream artists but the worship guitar industry as well. Similar to it's younger brother the AC15 that we reviewed earlier. Known…

Boutique guitar amplifier companies have taken over the worship guitar market over the last couple of years. There are a ton of great amplifier's out there from Matchless, Jackson Ampworks, Morgan, and many more. Sometimes we as worship guitarists fall into the trap of browsing YouTube and the gear reviews to hard. We get so…

There are a ton of resources out there for guitarists - videos, tutorials, reviews, interviews and more. However there is not a resource that is focused on the worship guitarist. In the coming months we will be launching a website that will do just that. We are shooting for a launch date in early June…